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About Us

Special Interest and Community Service Sodality (SICS) has its origins back in mid 2006 where a group of like-minded individuals comprising leaders of the various Special Interests and Community Service clubs – then known as SA clubs – came together with the common vision of putting in place a system to better manage this cluster of clubs which did not fall under the Arts nor Sports arena, and to lend these clubs a greater voice of representation at the Students Association level, so as to provide them with greater operational, financial and administrative support.


SICS is the Constituent Student Body (CBd) that represents the diverse interest groups and long-term community service groups in SMU. We have 22 clubs in total to enrich your student life.

All Hands In
SICS has 5 clusters to suit different interests. 

Our 5 clusters are:

Our Lifestyle Cluster provides members indulgence in lifestyle options ranging from unique interests of Bartending and Wine Appreciation to healthy living with Fitnessworks. 


Our Professional Development Cluster provides opportunities to enhance soft skills from Debating to Entrepreneurship.



Our Social Gaming Cluster aims to improve skills of any gaming enthusiast into eSports like Mobile Legends to Board Games like Avalon to Intellectual Sports like Card Games.


Our Community Service Cluster hopes to ignite members' passion to serve the community from mentoring youths to connecting with seniors. 


Our Social Causes Cluster supports members in championing causes from animal welfare to environmental conservation.

Signature Events

SICS has five signature events. SICS Day allows its 22 clubs to showcase their niche to the student population, SICS Camp is an annual freshman camp to welcome SMU's freshmen and introduce each of our clubs to them in a fun-filled camp, SMOO Challenge Lite serves the underprivileged through its campaign and finale to raise awareness, while SICS Purple Outreach partners with Mountbatten Vocational School (MVS) to help youths with disabilities realize their value and importance in our society. SICS Welfare Drive  energizes our members with welfare goodies and celebrates their participation!

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